Check your caller ID twice. Keep the blinds closed. Lock your doors. Unless of course it's me!
Well, I've finally done it. After three years at home, I've decided to jump back into the work force. Not to worry people. I am a Blogger first and foremost. I obviously have my priorities in the right place.
Both boys began school last week, and while the silence may work for some people, I tend to be a spirit that gravitates towards chaos. Yes, I enjoy noise.
When I began dating my husband, I made him buy a TV for the bedroom right before he had to leave the country for work. I know some people are against the whole TV thing in the bedroom, but I've always gone to sleep right after the evening news. It was so quiet in that bedroom without him, I just wanted a little noise.
Be careful what you ask for friends. In less than three years afterwards, I was pregnant. And 18 months after that I gave birth to my second son. Noise I wanted; noise I got!
And so the house is empty again. Giving 100% to any company is just not possible without sacrifices. Sacrifices I'm not willing to give at this time. Although I long to return to teaching some day, because of the children's ages and Daddy's commute, at some time during the day, the kids would have to be put in daycare.......No Way, No How!
So after many hours perusing the Wanted Adds, I have decided to become an Avon Lady. It sounds a little weird saying it out loud. When I was small, I remember all the Avon Ladies were old. Could I really be identified as the "O" word at the ripe age of 34? Good Grief!
Unlike those olden days, the internet does most of the work for you. And that is where you wonderful women come into play. Don't have an Avon Lady? You do now!
I should be up and running in about 24 hours. At that time you'll find a button on my blog that will direct you to my Avon homepage. You may not need any new makeup or perfume, but let's not forget about the necessities like deodorant, bath gel and shampoo.
Not to worry if you don't live nearby; your order will be shipped directly to your home. How cool is that?
Thanks to all who place orders. Even if you just take a look this time... you are wonderful. Let's not forget how quickly the holidays will be upon us. Do you believe I'm thinking about stocking stuffers already?
as you said..be careful what you wish for...you said you needed noise a while back and you got kids...aren't you afraid it's gonna happen again.. after all, you wished for noise:)
Happy Tuesday and thanks for stopping by earlier!
Good for you! This should be a fun adventure for you :)
Awesome! A new connection for Skin So Soft. :-) Good luck with your new venture.
How exciting for you! I just started a blog, too, about my adventures selling Avon and my love affair with beauty products. I wondered the same thing about being an "Avon Lady" in my 30's ;0 Happy selling for both of us!
With a name like "Mary K...", shouldn't you be selling Mary Kay? ;) LOL! Just kidding! I used to sell Mary Kay a while back (in my twenties), then my hubby started getting annoyed with it. Now I blog, and craft... and I think I am even more annoying to him! ;) Oh well! Good luck with your new journey with Avon! They have some cute stuff!
good for you - i can't bring myself to put my kids in daycare either. we struggle but it's not forever. before we know it they'll be gone!
visiting from SITS
good luck on your new venture!
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