Thursday, April 9, 2009

To Dye For

Well it's that time of the year again. You know: Easter baskets, bunnies, candy, cavities, and of course dying eggs. So off we headed to Mom-Mom's this morning. Three dozen eggs, two young boys, Martha Stewart glitter, glue, Duddley Star Wars Egg decorating kit, and my computer neatly piled into the minivan.

After much preparation (boiling, cooling, laying down newspaper, laying down more newspaper, mixing dyes, vinegar, etc. etc.) we were finally able to begin.

Let me just begin by saying there should be a warning label on the side of those dying kits. Something like this may suffice: Despite every attempt you make to keep your children clean, there is a good chance that they will have as much or more dye on them then your eggs when finished. Soap and water may not/ will not remove the dye from their skin. Wise parents will reach for the Comet and scour your children to death afterwards. They will also invest in predyed eggs next year. Use at your own risk.

Warnings aside, stepping back and allowing your children to just have fun is the name of this game. For the first time, I was actually able to decorate a few eggs on my own. I sat in awe as I watched my kids need very little supervision. So we lost three eggs total...not too bad. Potter, Scooter and myself all took a turn dropping one on the floor. At least they were hard boiled.

A quick note if you don't mind to the famous Martha Stewart. Dear Ms. Stewart, as a loyal fan, you can bet your behind I watched that egg dying episode of yours. You can also bet that unless your name is Martha Stewart your eggs will never look even close to the ones you so gracefully displayed on your show that day. You can also bet that I will save my money next year by not purchasing fancy glitter any more at Michael's and relying strictly on Dudley Star Wars Egg Dying kits. All My Best, Mommy Maestro

Now that I got that out of my system, may I wish all of you and yours a blessed Easter/Passover or just a darn good weekend.


Kathy B! said...

You have a fabulous weekend as well!

My personal theory on egg decorating is that you do it in the backyard in your underwear and get hosed off upon completion. That way nothing gets ruined. If the weather doesn't cooperate? You're screwed.

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

Swinging by from SITS to say hello!

Ah, I miss dyeing eggs.

Gamma Sharon said...

You have a wonderful weekend too and Happy Easter!
I want to thank you for your comment on my daughters blog. She has come a long way from losing her daughter.

Ann On and On... said...

I agree with you...even with all the bells, whistles and glitter- my eggs never look remotely close to M.S.

Happy Easter to you too!

Come on over to my blog, I have a super cute Monogram Bag giveaway going on!

Custard Shoppe said...

have a wonderful weekend and thanks for popping on over to say hi!