As a teacher on hiatus, I like most of you must complete a certain number of hours mandated by the state for continuing education. I try to find classes that pertain to elementary education students, but depending on the schedule with my own children I have often found myself in classes where speakers read directly from power point presentations (something I could easily do myself), or possibly going on and on for hours without ever lifting their head from the book.
Last night was an exception. You'll see in my right side bar a picture of Richard Gallagher. Please take the time to visit his website. Richard is a motivational speaker. He provides a number of programs that are designed for students, parents, and teachers.
If your child is struggling in school, his program How To Study could quite possibly be the answer. Richard offers a number of books, videos and CD's which help supplement his presentations.
Richard believes that that laughing is the key to learning. Wow, if only all teachers taught that way. Could school possibly be fun?
Don't be left in the cold. Go to Richard's website today and I'm sure you'll find something you like.
P.S.- I have been to 3 seminars given by Richard Gallagher. Each were packed with useful information. This is not a paid advertisement, although he did give me a free book after I told him I would mention his program in my blog (Thanks Mr. Gallagher!)
Great post! Education is so important. I hope we can teach our daughter how to study and have fun.
Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier today!
All the best teachers I've had were the ones that made me laugh. I think because I felt at ease, it was easier to focus and more fun to learn!
As a newly retired teacher I agree with you for the most part. You have to have fun. The truth is that you can't ONLY have fun though. I taught math. We played games, came up with stories, did pictures out of numbers, etc. However, the truth is that sometimes you have to sit down and work problems to learn them. Kind of like learning an instrument, or joining a baseball team. You still must practice, practice, practice.
This is Del. Alice posted earlier.
Here's my take. One shouldn't have to pay a pro to learn the best study habits.
A few good tips:
1. Study at the same time each evening
2. Ask your child, "What 3 things did you learn in (math, history, English) class today"? Nothing isn't acceptable.
4. Study at the same place each evening. Never allow h/her to study in h/her own room; in the den with the T.V., MP3, stereo, etc., on.
5. Set up a study schedule each week. 1, 2, or 3 hours (it's arbitrary), with no phone, text messaging, or visitation of friends during that time.
6. You should be at the table with your child, perhaps reading or studying
7. Never do your child's homework. Enabling your child only teaches h/him that someone will always rescue them if they whine/complain enough.
8. If they get frustrated after 30 minutes on an assignment, switch subjects and come back to the difficult subject later.
9. Not having homework is not an excuse to go play. There are always books and magazines to read. There is always an upcoming school project or major test to study for.
Del and Alice you're both right on target, it's not always fun. But alittle now and again helps with the motivation. I'm not necessarily against paying someone to teach study skills because the truth is that many students don't have them. Good teachers do teach them! Thanks for the input.
I agree with Del/Alice. you need routines but what do you do when you are sitting at the desk? When what you are doing just isn't working anymore - what do you do? That is the reason for self help books. Please check my web site studyskillscentral and click on the student help icon and download the How to Study - General Methods Plan. I tis at least a biginning. I hope to be on youtube in the next cuple of weeks woth more infomration. Dick Gallagher, CSP
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