I often blog about the many jobs us mothers have. On a daily basis we may find ourselves vacuuming and doing a load of laundry in the morning, while by night we're cleaning up vomit, helping check homework and wishing for that coveted activity called sleep. No rest for the weary.
Sometimes I share this observation with Hubby who seems perplexed at the notion that more than one thing can actually be completed at the same time. This is in no way a complaint about my husband, it's again, just an observation. Men and women are wired differently. I don't pretend to get it. But I certainly have learned to accept it.
This actual post came to me during a potty break (can you tell I'm a Mom?). And as I sat there contemplating about my many roles, I couldn't help but think of the many roles held by something else that sits under our roof. Yes, I'm referring to our toilet.
While many of us may take our toilets for granted, I promise, by the end of this post, you will see your toilet in a different light. Once you realize how much you depend on your toilet, you may just find yourself buying one for every room.
Here are just a few of the many hats our very own toilet wears everyday:
1) The Obvious- I'm not going to spell this one out for you. You know what you do and how you do it. And that's the end of this speech.
2) A Foot Stool- A best friend when it comes to removing those window shades, or the extra six inches we need to reach that pesky spider web.
3) A Decoration- You just couldn't help yourself. Walmart had a sale on toilet huggies, and now your piece of porcelain paradise is covered in a fur coat.
4) A Book Case- Your favorite novels line the top. Designed especially for those important trips that feel more like journeys.
5) An Alternative Bathing Spot- Whether it's your pet, your child, a doll or action figure; at least once during your life span, one of those things will believe they will get a better clean in the toilet than the bathtub.
6) A Geyser- Old Faithful has nothing on you. Your children decided to play the oldie but goodie game: "How much can you flush?"
7) A Getaway- Research shows the cheapest vacation spot known to man or woman for that matter is the potty. (Notice: Invest in a padlock for optimal satisfaction).
8) A Cemetery- Every bug that you've squished and every fish that has passed has taken the toilet journey. "So where do you think all of that stuff goes?"
9) An Ashtray- In your teenage years, you hid your smoking from your parents by flushing your habit down the drain (I'm referring to cigarettes of course!)
10) The Reason Homeowners is a Good Idea- The weatherman predicted sunny skies and yet it's raining on the first floor. OOP'S!
So when you're feeling overwhelmed one day, kick back, throw your feet up, and maybe enjoy one of Ann's famous cocktails during VGNO. But before you throw the towel in, I have one question for you: "Have you thanked your potty today?"
Oh this is SO true, on many levels...
If I didn't have "my potty time" where would I pluck my eyebrows, slap both hands on my face and exhale deeply, etc...
Thanks for sharing...
You are so right. Most people, well, I can't think of anyone else, that would pay tribute to their toilet.
You're a trend setter! heehee
Happy VGNO
Wow, I never really thought about that, but you're so right! Thank you, dear toilets of mine!
Happy VGNO!
Never really thougt about it but it is true. Happy VGNO!!!!!!
Happy VGNO!
The toilet has been running a lot lately. uuurrggghhh
Great post! You have me truly LOL. OK, I promise to be more thankful to my potty from here on out, lol. Happy VGNO!
For sure we need one!! HAPPY VGNO
But Mary, you said you wouldn't have a potty mouth on this blog!
(Sorry for the obvious joke--but I couldn't resist!!)
Oh my gosh - you are too funny! Happy VGNO!
That is halirious! The best inspirations come while on the potty - lol.
Happy VGNO
Now if I could find one that cleans itself I'd be all set! What a great post. Happy VGNO!
You did it. Wonderful observations.
Happy VGNO!!
I enjoyed your ode to the toilet. I have a wonderful appreciation for the toilet after last weekend. We had to replace it after our two year old flushed something that we could not dislodge!!
Very true! Thanks so much for stopping by my party! Have a wonderful weekend and Happy VGNO!!!
Stopping by from VGNO
Ah yes, the potty- it takes a lotta crap from people-thanks potty!
great post! i love your blog too! happy (late) VGNO
So sad but true, a getaway! :) I wish mine had gotten its full use this week, but a 15 mo old can't really be expected to puke in the toilet....disgusting I know, but you should have been here this week! :)
Hope you had a fun VGNO! I'm a little late getting around! The school carnival was fun for the kids if unorganized for the volunteers!
You're too funny, I'm signing up to follow! :)
LOL! Bookcase! Of course!
this was a cute post :)
I haven't thanked my potty lately! Thanks for reminding me :)
And how did I miss this post for so long!
So true, and so funny! Love it!
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