Monday, January 11, 2010

To Digress or Not to Digress: That is the Question!!

Digress: to deviate or wander away from the main topic or purpose in speaking or writing; depart from the principal line of argument, plot, study, etc. (

I recently looked up the definition of this word. Why you ask? Well, I noticed that there's a lot of this going on out there. Out there is of course referring to the Bloggy World.

Every time I turn around I'm reading about someone digressing. Whether it's in the beginning, middle or end of their story; digression seems to have a place everywhere.

Just throw down a Welcome Mat, and invite digression in.

As if the typical Mom doesn't have enough to throw her off track. She must now be expected to digress while blogging.

Maybe I'm just worrying too much about this whole thing. Maybe it's just another fad. It will pass in time just like Atari, Cabbage Patch Dolls and Tickle Me Elmo. (Wow, did I date myself there).

On the other hand, maybe I could learn a little from digression. Instead of typing like a wild woman, barreling through a story at rapid speed. All the while my children have taken over the homestead from all corners. Before an average blog is completed I am surrounded by army men with heavy artillery aimed at Yours Truly. Weapons of Mass Destructive have another name in this house: Potter and Scooter. But instead of digressing, I hunker down and own that story. I am a Mom on a mission.

So I wondered, if one is not digressing these days, what exactly are they doing?

Synonym for digress: ramble. (

You must be kidding Me.......Really?


Martha said...

I totally ramble! It is the way I am in conversation too! I get distracted and off track easily! I think because I am always multi-tasking!

The Hapa Girl said...

hahahahahaha!!!! I noticed it too! In fact, I think I even used it once because I felt like it was a cool word...I am such a poser!

Unknown said...

weapons of mass destruction pointed at yours tryly..but I digress! lol

ethelmaepotter! said...

I claim innocence: it was Spooky the cat, not I, who used "digress" in a recent post.

Steph said...

I'm a rambler at heart. And every time I hear "But I digress" I think of Sophia from the Golden Girls.

...stopping by from SITS...

Steph @ A Grande Life

Heather @ Simple Wives said...

LOL, I'm guilty of saying "I digress" a lot!

Chanda the Eco-Cheap Mom said...

Are you talking about me?? I'm guilty...I kind of like that word!

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Shell said...

So cute! With my 3 boys running around, I get distracted and forget where I was headed with a story. Or a comment. What was I saying?

Stopping in from SITS.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for coming by my blog on my SITS day and commenting, I really appreciate all the comment love!
Definition of!

Shirley said...

I am a rambling digresser. Even when I talk. It's crazy, because I realize it, but I can't stop.